Fire Risk Assessments
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 legislation, all employers, owners, landlords or occupiers of business or non-domestic premises are known as the ‘responsible person’ and are required, by law, to provide staff with information and training on fire safety. The order says that the responsible person must manage any fire risk at your premises.
A ‘responsible person’ is anyone who has control over certain areas or systems in a building and although in many premises the responsible person will be obvious, there may be times when it isn't, for example in rented buildings it will be the tenant, or their nominated individual who is the responsible person not the owner.
If you are the responsible person, you must make sure a fire-risk assessment is completed by a competent person. Although in law, regardless of who has completed the assessment, you will still be responsible for meeting the order.
The fire risk assessment is a five step process that should:
Identify the hazard
Consider who may be at risk
Evaluate the risk, eliminate or reduce the risk from fire as far as is reasonably possible and provide general fire precautions to deal with any possible risk
Create a plan to deal with any emergency, keep a record of your findings and train staff what to do in teh event of an emergency
Review your findings when necessary
Contact us to discuss your fire risk assessment needs